The Regional Ministry for Development and Infrastructure is participating as a partner in a European project on Nature-based Solutions (SnB) called 'GoGreen Routes', whose aim is to position European cities as world ambassadors for urban sustainability. The project is part of the framework research and innovation programme Horizon 2020, in the field of improvements to health in cities.
The region's general director of Territory and Architecture, Jaime Pérez Zulueta, gave an explanation of this project during the meeting of the technical committee of the Sustainable Construction and Architecture Strategy (EACS), presented last week, and indicated that the regional Administration has already obtained European funds to spread the benefits of implementing NbS.
A total of 18 countries will participate in the project, and its intention is to foster mental health and wellbeing through optimising interactions with nature for all citizens. These innovations will increase acceptance of NbS in "Cultivating Cities" (Burgas, Lahti, Limerick, Tallin, Umea and Versailles), "Seed Cities" (Munich, Region of Murcia and Malta) and a "Cross-Pollination Network" (Beijing, Mexico and Tblisi).
Pérez Zulueta referred to the interactions between nature and humankind in natural spaces, which "are encouraged in order to promote physical activity, optimise connectivity to public places, and to adopt sustainable lifestyle behaviours with benefits for the environment and human health”.
"Furthermore, urban green routes will be established that function as interactive, multifunctional spaces, interconnected public spaces to resolve environmental problems with benefits for physical and mental health and psychological wellbeing", explained the director.
Image: H2020 GoGreenRoutes Projects - Map of participating cities