Asset 7



Cieza Biophilic: from placebo tree to medicine tree

Green infrastructure strategy for Cieza". Framed within the communication programme EDUSI Cieza 2025 Ciudad Integradora co-financed 80% by FEDER funds.

The aim of the project initially arose with the intention of implementing a new model of urban tree management based on the principles of modern arboriculture, increasing the tree cover of the city as a strategy for adapting to the problem of global warming, moving from a tree of small size, excessively intervened, expensive to maintain and with hardly any benefit (placebo tree) to another of large and natural size with less risk and management costs and more benefits (medicine tree). Gradually, through contact with other disciplines, this initial objective has evolved towards a more holistic vision in search of a biophilic city model, ultimately integrating the principles of nature management in the city as a tool to improve the quality of life and health of its citizens, and not as a mere aesthetic element.

Link to the video: Cieza biófilica
