Asset 7

Training courses


Days: 10/30/2024, 11/06/2024 and 11/13/2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Place: Consejería de Fomento e Infraestructuras. Antesala salón de actos. Pl. de Santoña, 6, 30006 Murcia, Spain

The General Directorate of Housing and Architecture of the Ministry of Development and Infrastructure of Murcia has the pleasure of organizing dissemination, awareness and learning days on adaptation to climate change with the support of the European REGILIENCE project.  

These training sessions will take place over three days and are aimed at professionals from the 45 municipalities of the Region of Murcia. They will address revegetation solutions, the different alternatives to traditional drainage and the types of nature-based solutions that can be applied in urban spaces.

Los objetivos serán adquirir conocimiento sobre las alternativas a los modelos tradicionales para dar solución a la creación de espacios urbanos, revegetados, con SUDS Y SBN y  poder establecer contacto y conocer que se está haciendo en cada municipio, intercambiando información y estableciendo intereses comunes.

Good practices carried out in our region that reinforce the theoretical contents of the courses will be presented through explanatory panels and presentations on structural actions that will allow recognizing these new ways of acting and thus transmit to the attendees the decisive importance of immediately starting to apply them.

AGENDAPrograma jornadas REGILIENCE 30/10, 06/11, 13/11 - 2024

PONENCIAS: DÍA 1 30/10/2024

PONENCIAS: DÍA 2 06/11/2024

PONENCIAS: DÍA 3 13/11/2024