Asset 7

News / Events

Second Co-Creation and Awareness Raising Pilot Workshop for the Region of Murcia: "PROMOTING NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS IN THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT OF THE REGION OF MURCIA".

Dirección General de Ordenación del Territorio y Arquitectura+The Horizon Europe POLICY SUPPORT FACILITY Pprogramme+GGR)

The event will be participatory and multidisciplinary and will be held on 11th July, at 09:00 hours, in the hall of the assembly hall, located in the Consejería de Fomento e Infraestructuras, Plaza Santoña s/n, Murcia.

With this workshop we will continue the process of raising awareness of how important and necessary it is to apply nature-based solutions in urban environments in our region, reflecting on the benefits they bring to society and weighing all these benefits in monetary values, in order to gather strong arguments to break down the specific barriers to implement SBN in these spaces of opportunity.

This workshop will be Delivered by the experts of the European Policy-support-facility which the Region of Murcia participates together with 38 other local and regional authorities from 12 European Member States.

The European Policy Support Facility Programme is a programme of support, of technical assistance for the regions most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, with this programme we have the opportunity to receive personalised support to advance in the implementation of our measures to adapt to climate change.

Two experts will accompany our region on our resilience journey, they are; the Sr. Roger Mollins,  national governance expert and the Mr. Magnus QvantThe report is an expert in natural disaster risk reduction.

In a dynamic way, based on the experiences and conclusions gathered in the previous workshop, we will address how to measure economically the indicators of the future benefits that these solutions will bring to the municipalities of the region.